Induction Training Services

Why are Induction Training Programs so Important?
Inductions represent the most teachable moment companies have with new starters. It is an ideal time to align staff and contractors with what your company stands for and how you like to do business.
Companies that fail to impress newbies risk losing them pretty quickly with research pointing to 25% of new starters deciding to leave their new company within the first week. This increases to 47% deciding to leave after three months with a poor induction process being blamed for those wishing to leave early.
First impressions aren’t easy to erase.
Based on our training methodology approach, Digicast provides the following services:
Induction training videos – the brain prefers visuals when it comes to learning. Use engaging visuals and narration to help your viewers instantly understand the information. Find out more.
Safety induction training – The construction, mining, manufacturing industries all have different safety processes. With our expertise in safety training, we can help with your customsied safety inductions. Learn more.
Induction and training manuals – For those who require a consistently administered training program, then creating a training video that complements the trainer’s manual and employee handbook is the solution. Learn more.
Customised induction and training programs – Some companies have specialized training areas that need extensive induction training materials such as manual handling training, forklift driver training and truck driver training. Find out more about how we can help you.