Training Video Methodology

Getting staff and customers to understand important training messages is vital to ensuring smooth business operations.
Training videos can be so fast and effective in helping staff understand and remember information, but only if they have been made correctly (read Seven Reasons why Training Videos are so Effective).
We’re passionate about getting staff to not only understand your information, but retain it. So passionate in fact, we’ve dedicated our Workplace Communicator blog to helping companies with staff training (and safety communication).
To ensure, you training video will be a training tool that’s used for many years, Digicast produces training videos:
1. From an instructional design perspective – Right from the outset we work with you to ensure that your audience understands your training messages instantly. Every step of the production process is designed to improve message retention and comprehension from concept design, script writing, filming and editing. What so many people don’t realise is that to get people to remember information you need to match the audio track with the right visuals. This takes time and expertise both in writing the script, filming and editing, but the results are worth it.
2. To have a long shelf life – Your training videos are designed to last five years minimum to stretch your training dollars further. By using high production values combined with instructional design skill, your training video will enable you to train staff for years.
3. In modular format – Each learning area is a stand alone video module that can be easily updated or used in one on one training for specific training refreshers. They can be played using online training softwareor on DVD.
4. With high production values – With our broadcast quality equipment and over 20 years of video production experience, we will ensure that you have high quality training materials that are credible and believable to your audience. No wobbly or grainy vision allowed.

5. With supplementary training materials – We love improving company training materials. That’s why we also create trainer’s manuals and employee workbooks to create a complete training package with your training video taking the centre role. Our manuals incorporate colourful graphic design work and photos taken during the film shoot to ensure maximum learnee engagement. Find out more about our Induction and Training Manuals.